Mayor duties

Art.68 - 1) The Mayor shall carry out the following main duties:
a) ensures the observance of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens, of the provisions of the Constitution, as well as the implementation of laws, decrees of the President of Romania, of the Government Decisions and Ordinances; orders the necessary measures and grant support for the applying of the orders and instructions of normative character of the ministers and of the other leaders of the central public administration authorities as well as the county council decisions;
b) ensures the implementation of the Local council' decisions. Should he consider a decision unlawful, within 3 days of adoption, he shall intimate the prefect;
c) he may propose to the local council the consultation of the population by referendum on the local matters of special interest. On the basis of the local council decision, shall take steps for the organization of such consultation, under the law;
d) presents to the local council, annually or whenever necessary, reports on the economic and social status of the commune or town, in accordance with the duties that are incumbent on the local public administration authorities, as well as information on the modality of implementing the decisions of the local council;
e) draws up the draft of the local budget and the closing account of the budgetary exercise and shall submit them the approval of the local council;
f) exercises the office of main person entitled to authorize expenditure from the budgetary credits;
g) verifies, ex officio or upon request, the receipts and expenditure of sums of money from the local budget and communicate immediately the findings of the local council;
h) takes measures for the prevention and limitation of the consequences of calamities, catastrophes, fires, epidemics or epizootics, together with the State's specialized bodies. To this end he may mobilise the population, the economic units and the public institutions in the commune or town, the last being bound to carry out the measures established within the protection and intervention plans drawn up by types of disasters;
i) ensures public law and order to the inhabitants, with the support of the police, gendarmerie, public guardians, firefighters and civil protection units, that are bound to reply to his demands, under the terms of the law;
j) guides and supervises the activity of the public guardians, in keeping with the contract commitments;
k) takes the measures provided under the law with regard to the carrying on of public meetings;
l) takes measures of prohibition or suspension of shows, performances or other public manifestations which contravene to the established order, or infringe upon the good morals, public law and order and public peace;
m) controls the hygiene and salubrity of public premises and of foodstuffs put on sale for the population, with the assistance of the specialised bodies;
n) takes measures for the preventing and fighting the dangers caused by animals, under the terms of the law;
o) takes measures for the drawing up of the general urban -planning design of the locality and submits it to the approval of the local council; ensure the observance of the provisions of the general urban-planning design, as well as of the zonal and detailed urbanization plans;
q) ensures the maintenance and the rehabilitation of the public roads, that are property of the commune or town, the installation of the traffic indicators, the normal unrolling of the road and pedestrian traffic, under the terms of the law;
r) exercises the control over the activities in fairs, market places, cattle fairs, recreation parks and places and takes measures for their proper functioning;
s) manages the local public services; ensures the functioning of the civil status and of tutelary authority services; supervise the carrying out of the measures of social assistance and social allowance;
t) fulfills the function of registrar;
u) issues the endorsements, agreements and authorizations that are by law, under his competence;
v) proposes for approval by the local council, under the terms of the law, the organization chart, the staffing schedules, the number of personnel and the organization and functioning regulations of the own specialty apparatus;
w) appoints and dismiss from office, under the terms of the law, the personnel in the own specialty apparatus of the local public administration authority, excepting the secretary; propose to the local council the appointing and dismissal from office under the terms of the law, of the managers of the autonomous administrations of public institutions and services of local interest;
x) is responsible of the stock-taking and managing of the assets belonging to the public estate and to private estate of the commune or town;
y) organizes the condition of the construction works in the locality and put at the disposal of the central public administration authorities the results of such situations;
z) takes measures for the control of the disposal of domestic, industrial waste or of any other kind, in order to ensure the hgyene of the river banks on the territory of the commune or town, also as for the unsilt of local valleys and footbridge to ensure the discharge of water.
2) The Mayor shall exercise other duties too, stipulated by law or other statutory instruments, as well as the tasks assigned by the local council.
Art.69-(l) In exercising his duties of tutelary authority and registrar, of the tasks that are incumbent on him from the statutory instruments regarding the census, the organization and carrying on of the elections, the taking of measures of civil protection, as well as other duties established by law, the Mayor also acts as representative of the State in the commune or town in which he was elected.
2) In this capacity, the Mayor may request, including via prefect, under the terms of law, the assistance of the heads of the decentralized public services of the ministries and of the other central bodies in the administrative-territorial units if the tasks that are incumbent on him cannot be solved by the own specialty apparatus.
Art.70.-(l) The Mayor may delegate to the deputy Mayor or, as the case may be, Deputy Mayors, by written order issued within maximum 30 days of validation, the exercising of the duties that are incumbent upon him according to art. 68 (l) letter. j), m), p), r), v), x), and y).
(2) The duties of registrar may be delegated to Deputy Mayor, Secretary or to other officials competent in this field, according to the law.
(3) The duties which are incumbent on the Mayor as representative of the State, according to art. 69, excepting those of registrar, as well as those stipulated in art. 68, (1) a)-f), h), i),k), l) and cannot be delegated.
Art. 71- (1) In exercising his duties, the Mayor shall issue orders of normative or individual character. These shall become enforceable only after they are brought to the public knowledge or after the interested persons are duly informed, as the case may be.

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